Whistle Technologies Inc

Experience the Whistle.tech business communications platform that will boost revenue and productivity.
Experience the Whistle.tech business communications platform that will boost revenue and productivity.

Getting Started with Whistle in 5 easy steps.

If you are wondering how to use whistle.tech and get started, think no more. Read the information below and let’s begin.

Whistle is a Cloud hosted platform that does not require any on-premise hardware, software, or support contracts.

Customers lower their operations costs by not requiring specialized resources or consultants to configure their system.

It takes minutes to setup yourself and our support team can assist as needed – no cost.


Select a subscription of choice. While selecting the subscription think of how you can use the service to grow business revenue or improve productivity. That way you will select the package with the right features.

After completing sign-up, you will receive two emails – a Welcome email and a Verify your Account email. Click on the link to verify your email id. Login into Whistle, select the number of seats, and pay for your subscription. 

Your business verification will progress at this point. We’ll need you to send Business EIN or Business Number along with a legal Business Identity document (Incorporation, Tax Registration etc) to confirm you are a valid business. During this time, we’ll also confirm the choice of phone number or the option to port an existing number

Once verification is complete, account will be activated and an email will be sent to the registered account. Sign-in and head over to Extension Groups to configure a default extension group and add members to it.

Go to Settings –> Configure greeting message (AI text to speech), set up business hours and after hours call flow. Make some additional changes in General Settings and you are ready to make/receive calls and send/receive messages

Using your verification information, your account restrictions will be lifted upon document approval. You can start adding more users, setup their extension, update contacts and so on.


Let’s Whistle.